• The Streets & Inhabitants Of Birmingham In 1770, S. Timmins (1886) - Download

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The Streets & Inhabitants Of Birmingham In 1770, S. Timmins (1886) 

This is a reprint of the earliest known directory of Birmingham. When it was reprinted in 1886 there were only two known copies of this rare directory. In the original the Birmingham directory filled 76 pages, and the 'account of the number of houses and occupants, Male and Female' filled another 4. The editor has rearranged the list of inhabitants by street, and included a definition of trade classifications used. The reprint itself is rare - it is number 12 of only fifty copies which were produced for subscribers. Consequently, this is an extremely rare and valuable directory for anyone with ancestors from Birmingham in this early period. Kindly loaned to the project by the Birmingham and Midland Institute. 

This Is A Scanned Copy Of The Book 

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Published By Midlands Historic Data

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The Streets & Inhabitants Of Birmingham In 1770, S. Timmins (1886) - Download

  • £13.99

Tags: Birmingham, Timmins, MHD