Warwickshire County Record Office

Warwickshire County Record Office

Warwickshire County Record Office is working in partnership with the Midland Ancestors  to improve access to records and rare local history publications, many of which are only available for view at the Record Office in Warwick.

See item categories at the end of this text for a list of items for sale in each category, eg Tithe maps, Quarter session records.

A digitisation project launched at Warwickshire County Record Office in November 2013 to provide paid employment for two adults with learning difficulties. The team have successfully captured over 30,000 pages of books and records. These books will be available to the public to purchase and download from the BMSGH online shop as they become available.

Our hope is that this will promote the unique collections of Warwickshire County Record Office to a new audience and also provide sufficient income to feed back into the service to preserve and make available the treasures in our care.

Warwickshire County Record Office celebrated its 80th anniversary last year. The archive collections cover three miles of shelving and date back to the 12th century. In fact our oldest document, from the Warwick Castle collection is nearly 900 years old. It is a challenging task to care for, preserve and make our heritage accessible for future generations. I am pleased that thanks to the efforts of this partnership, the unique evidence of the county’s heritage can start to be made available in this new way. It is vital that we continue to improve the accessibility of these irreplaceable sources.

If you would like to visit the Record Office please see our website for details of our opening times and please remember the office is closed for the first full week of each month for staff to work on cataloguing our collections. Please see http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/warwickshire-county-record-office/ for more details.

Sam Collenette, Archives and Historic Environment Manager, Warwickshire County Record Office, Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Priory Park, Cape Road, Warwick CV34 4JS, Tel: 01926 738950,  email recordoffice@warwickshire.gov.uk, website http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/warwickshire-county-record-office/

Warwickshire Parish Registers - Original images

Priory Books - Second Hand Book Shop

Warwickshire Tithe Maps

Warwickshire Quarter Session Records

A Fardel of Antiquarain Papers and Books

A Fardel of Antiquarain Papers and Books

A Fardel of Antiquarian Papers and Books Written wholly or with others; By Mathew Holbeche Bloxam..


British Antiquities of Warwickshire

British Antiquities of Warwickshire

On The British Antiquities of Warwickshire. By M.H. Bloxam Esq.1836.35 pagesWarwickshire County R..


Caradoc - A Tale of Ancient Warwick

Caradoc - A Tale of Ancient Warwick

Caradoc - A Tale of Ancient Warwick By Edward Hicks.A story, based primarily on the roll of John ..


Illustrations of old Warwickshire Houses

Illustrations of old Warwickshire Houses

Illustrations of Old Warwickshire Houses By W. Niven Architect.31 Copper Etchings, with descripti..


Observations on Hoar Stones

Observations on Hoar Stones

Observations on Hoar Stones Observations on Certain Ancient Pillars of MemorialPlus a Conjecture ..


The Printed Maps of Warwickshire 1576-1900

The Printed Maps of Warwickshire 1576-1900

The Printed Maps of Warwickshire 1576 - 1900 By P. D. A. Harvey B.A. and Harry Thorpe M. A.Pub..


Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)