Ansley Tithe map 1844 CR569-5
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High quality images, includes transcriptions of the apportionments for each map.
Click here to see a list of names for all Parishes, use Sorted by Parish option to see names included with this Parish tithe map
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Copyright © 2014 Warwickshire County Council (Warwickshire County Record Office). All rights reserved.
Warwickshire County Record Office preserves and makes available Warwickshire's Tithe Maps on behalf of the Diocese of Coventry and the Diocese of Birmingham. Their support is much appreciated.
Tithe maps provide unique information about early 19th century Warwickshire. They are an essential tool for family and local historians trying to find out about land ownership and features of the local area. Warwickshire's tithe maps have recently been digitised to make them more widely available. For the first time these maps will be available to search and use for your personal research in the comfort of your home. The maps are available to purchase as downloads or CDs from the BMSGH shop.
Warwickshire County Council has made an index available online via their historical maps link Please scroll down on the left menu and highlight tithe index to view the tithe maps available. If you have trouble using it please visit your local library, it may be possible that someone there can help you use this system.
The original maps are of course available to view free of charge at Warwickshire County Record Office during our normal opening hours. Please see for more details.
Tithe apportionments were produced after the Tithe Commutation Act of 1836, which ‘commuted’ all tithe payments to a monetary rent charge. The schedules cover titheable land, by parish, in which the occupier had a duty to pay a proportion of the yearly income generated by the land (whether money or produce) to the landowner.
Before the reformation, payments were usually made to the parish church. Subsequently, however, the sale of church land meant that it ceased to be a purely ecclesiastical payment. By the 19th century, the calculation of tithe payments had become controversial and the enclosure of farm land, under which tithes were replaced by rent charges, meant that the payment was becoming irrelevant.
In 1836 tithe apportionment schedules of all titheable land were produced, listing owners, occupiers, their land, its size, and the new rent charge it attracted. The schedules were often accompanied by a map, which shows individual plots of land with a plot number.
Where an apportionment exists the digitised tithe maps sit alongside the appropriate name index and it is possible to search these together.
Please support Warwickshire County Record Office in its work to make these unique resources more widely available. All money raised helps to preserve the collections and to make them available now and in the future.
Sam Collenette, Archives and Historic Environment Manager, Warwickshire County Record Office, Heritage and Culture Warwickshire, Priory Park, Cape Road, Warwick CV34 4JS, Tel: 01926 738950, email
Warwickshire County Record Office Information
Warwickshire County Council
Warwickshire County Record Office
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The material contained in this digital download is copyright of Warwickshire County Council (Warwickshire County Record Office).
All rights are reserved. Any unauthorised act, including but not limited to, publishing, copying, lending, reselling or hiring of this material will constitute an infringement of copyright. The material must not be made available on the internet nor in any form of publication without permission from Warwickshire County Council (Warwickshire County Record Office). The material is provided to you for personal research use only. Please respect copyright.
Contact Warwickshire County Record Office by emailing or writing to Priory Park, Cape Road, Warwick, CV34 4JS for further details or in relation to requests for permission to reproduce this material.
Contact Warwickshire County Record Office on 01926 738959 or Priory Park Cape Road Warwick CV34 4JS for further details or in relation to requests for permissions regarding this material.
Please contact us if you need any more information.
Ansley Tithe map 1844 - CR569-5 (Download)
- Brand: Warwickshire County Record Office
- Product Code: WART005D
- Availability: 10
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