• Birmingham 120 Years Ago - Reprint Of 1777 Directory, Charles E. Scarse (1896) - Download

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Birmingham 120 Years Ago - Reprint Of 1777 Directory, Charles E. Scarse (1896)

Another reprint of an early Birmingham Directory. This was produced in 1896 by Edward Scarse, who was librarian of the Old Birmingham Library. The directory has been reprinted as it was in the original, which was an alphabetic listing of inhabitants. Charles Scarse has added a street directory, a classified trade directory, and also a name index. This is another rare early directory for Birmingham. Kindly loaned to the project by the Birmingham and Midlands Institute.

This Is A Scanned Copy Of The Book

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Published By Midlands Historic Data

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Birmingham 120 Years Ago - Reprint Of 1777 Directory, Charles E. Scarse (1896) - Download

  • £13.99

Tags: Birmingham, Scarse, MHD