• Compendium Set - Spennell's Directory of Leamington, etc (1880 - 1926) - Download

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Compendium Set - Spennell's Directory Of Leamington, etc (1880 - 1926) 

Special offer at a reduced price - all 42 of a series of comprehensive local directories published by local printer Robert Spennell. They cover Leamington, Warwick and Kenilworth, with a 'Country' section for the surrounding area. Much additional information about the area, and many advertisements from local companies. Kindly loaned to the project by Warwickshire County Libraries. Note, excludes 1908.

This Is A Scanned Copy Of The Book 
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Published By Midlands Historic Data

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Compendium Set - Spennell's Directory of Leamington, etc (1880 - 1926) - Download

  • £42.00

Tags: Leamington, Spennell's, MHD