• Modern Birmingham & Its Institutions : 1841-1871, J. A. Langford (1873) - Download

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Modern Birmingham & Its Institutions : 1841-1871, J. A. Langford (1873) 

This is a continuation of Langford's Century of Birmingham Life (see above), which covered the years 1741 - 1841. It is written in much the same style, drawing heavily on newspaper articles and advertisements to amplify the historical narrative. An essential companion to the earlier work, and a very useful contemporary guide to the history of the period, written by someone who participated in many events. Kindly loaned to the project by the Birmingham and Midland Institute. 

This Is A Scanned Copy Of The Book

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Published By Midlands Historic Data

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Modern Birmingham & Its Institutions : 1841-1871, J. A. Langford (1873) - Download

  • Product Code: ZMHD-M0199D
  • Availability: 10
  • £13.99

Tags: Birmingham, Langford, MHD, Birmingham & Its Institutions